Close-up of the fridge (has a metal door over wood) and TV set! 

     Freezer opens to reveal a few Porterhouse steaks.

 Getting hungry?

Uh oh does Ginny know what time it is?

You bet she does! Buffalo Bob, Howdy,

                          and the peanut gallery sing to Ginny!

             Click  the TV to hear what Ginny hears!


     Ginny and Danish modern living room set.  

    These wooden pieces all match and came with the kitchen set.

  (The coffee table to this living room  has already

 been shown with the kitchen groceries) 

Set is exc-near mint. Vintage rug added.

 Ginny opens her My Merry Scrabble game and 

must punch out the letters! 


                                        We had this similar furniture when I was very young

                                        -Before Mom discovered antiques!

                             I recall playing ghost with a sheet over my head.

                                                                                                  Klutz that I am,

                                   I cut my eyebrow on the sofa corner. 

                                         Mrs. Mac Corkle next door 

                                        had been a nurse in the Navy. 

                            She rushed over and stitched me up with a 

                                  regular needle and thread as I lay 

                                     on our own  kitchen counter.

                                                the good old days...

                                Neighbors to the rescue and no lawsuits!

                                                                           You can print this for Ginny! 

                                         Consider me your neighbor! :)


                        The drawers all open and close and the plant came

with the set when I bought it.

      Ginny must clean-up her books and toys as it is 3:00 PM!


           CLICK the furniture close-ups 1  2


Ginny plays Mother to Raggedy and turns on 

Mom's favorite 3:00 soap opera ! 

                    Metal knobs on set jut outward but appear 

missing in this scan! They are there!

Can you tell from the Ginny TV console above 

                    which soap is Mother's favorite?


                                            If not, you listen to the theme song! 


                                  (Another just a memory)


Ginny loves the commercials!

                                            Remember chocolaty Bosco?  

                                                                    Click the TV song!






More Doll House Section II   Danish Modern Furniture Page 7



Click to see Dollhouse Section III: 

Cape Cod Toymakers bedroom/table set 

Hallmark vintage cards, Ginny's collection! Page 1


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