My 50’s molded lash walker Vogue Ginny is running both
the Playtown Store
and Luncheonette today!
Her complete vintage Ginger Cosmopolitan mousekerade outfit
from the “Ginger visits
I made her guitar and added the accessories.
She reminds me of my favorite Disney mouseketeer, Karen.
(FYI…Linda sells the little blue
and white sunglasses from the For Sale
section of my Ginny web site.
Scroll down on the For Sale page
find her link)
My molded lash walker Ginny is now taking her lunch break.
Note the small red Strombecker table.
Her wrapped sandwich is an unopened
Tyco Kitchen Littles item from their Food Mart Store.
I added the sugared orange lollipop and Pepsi cup.
This 1940’s Playtown Store to her right
is perfect for Ginny and the items displayed
are all Playtown originals.
Food labels were made of paper and came glued
to wooden blocks that were round for cans or square for boxes.
How about that cute little red cash register on the counter?
Hear Karen sing about how hard it is to be 8! (about 3 mins)