Jill moved the Sandra Sue dining table into
Ginny's bedroom for a surprise sister sister party.
Ginny's birthday is on on Valentine's Day
Jill surprised Ginny with a guitar
similar to her own.
(Since I jam way too much into a scene,
I will focus on some of the minis)
Friends from all over the USA
sent birthday gifts that Jill displayed
Ginny posed for a birthday pic
She is a 2004 Reproduction
Clothes pin doll.
Ginny is holding a birthday card,
a fan, and musical note pin all from Jill
Jill looks exhausted
and might be wondering,
"What was I thinking? I will have
to put all this stuff back
after our lunch!"
Ginny just loves costume jewelry
and her favorites are on her
vintage monogrammed Vogue vanity
with mirror section closed
The 50's My Merry L'Aimant
bath water display box
is in poor shape
(The little MM bottle inside
has no label
and the former contents
discolored the inner glass )
Sweet Ginny Sharon made Ginny's
favorite Valentine box!
Ginny Linda sent sewing cards!!!
It must have taken forever
to punch out the tiny holes
labor of love!
Ginny Linda acquired the pattern
from Ann Vanture
The candy containers and yellow scoop
are Rement items
The rubber auto key ring had
a place for me to
add Ginny's name
Valentines Day 2020 Pg 2
Click the balloons to see
the birthday table on Pg 3