Ginger's golden book and above pages
were illustrated by Adriana Mazza
I had this book as a child and
remember cutting out the paper dolls!
Note how the bed resembles Belle Kogan's Watko bed!
red suitecontinued!
Ginger displays her stuffed animal collection from past carnivals!
Muffie tries out Ginger's convertible couch! (Thanks, Janet!)
Another piece designed for Watko in the 50's by Belle Kogan.
Ms. Kogan is considered to be the first female
industrial designer of the modern era.
Belle Kogan died in 2002 ,
but her exceptional doll furniture designs endure.
Note how the couch matches the vanity stool.
Ginger and Muffie open the convertible
couch and do some Golden book reading.
Now Muffie can sleep over anytime! The bed is near mint!
(If you think you have already seen this convertible couch on my site,
that might be because I have two others.
One in red and black and the the other in aqua.
I also have another couch, same fabric but not convertible)
I This vintage table and chair set by Republican Precision
has been seen earlier on this site,
but it is the perfect table set to accompany
the Superior Kitchen in Ginger's suite .
The metal color is a very close match
to the Superior kitchen appliance metal
shown previously on Page 5.
Ok who didn't love Golden books and Nurse Nancy?!
The pictures are the best!
She began my love affair with Band-Aids!
Ginger received her Mickey Mouse certificate today!
She has stacks of Golden books! Here are just a few!
v Ever wonder who illustrated these characters?
Keep scrolling!
Mint in box chaise by Watko. Found this at an antique store!
Some Watko pieces were black wrought iron
while others, like the above, were unpainted steel!
This Golden book contained real
50's decals
like these!
Same illustrator!
Getting curious about whom she might be?
Meet Corinne Malvern...
(1905 ~ November 9, 1956)
If these "Golden book children" look familiar to you, they should!
She is my favorite 50's illustrator and I have featured
some of her work on this page.
Remember Jack and Janet, Tip and Mitten? The Big Show?
The above pages are from The Big Show .
I had no idea just how inspired I have been
by Corinne's illustrations.
My best friend Jerry and I read this book
in second or third grade.
We created a yearly backyard fair
to raise money for the Jimmy Fund .
We went on , Boston's WBZ TV
"Clubhouse 4" to present the funds.
Jerry, like the boy in the pic,
was the leader who ran the show from his backyard.
I wore that pink same tutu!
We created comedy skits and shows
for the entire neighborhood.
Jerry's mom made popsicles and
we gave rides in the wagon for a nickel.
When we realized how hard it was to pull the wagon,
we raised the price to a quarter!
I always thought we came up with the "show" idea ourselves,
but after seeing these illustrations again after 40 years,
there is no doubt in my mind that Paul McKee's writing
and Corinne Malvern's illustrations paved the way!
Click Tip above to see Sharon's Big Show
with Ginny dolls
inspired by Corinne Malvern's
illustrations Pg 6A
More Doll House III
Vintage Watko , Corinne Malvern illustrations Pg 6
More Doll House Section III