Grey house pink twin bed on the left
My vintage Muffie is posing on a Cass twin bed on the right
Mr. Scova’s Grey House Creations twin beds
loosely resemble the early pink Cass beds
(forerunners of the well known Ginny furniture) in
that both beds had hard bottoms, decals,
and side rails. Cass twin beds have small pieces of
curved wood attached to each side of the
headboard and side rails. Mr. Scova’s bed rails were
single pieces of wood curved near the
headboard. The Grey House bed also has a higher
headboard and foot board. Nursery rhyme
type characters appear on both the inside headboard
and outer footboard. Mr. Scova’s
matching furniture pieces also had similar boy and
girl decals on each complementary piece.
My bed (far left) came with the original blue pad and
blanket/sheet made by Mimi’s Mom
Jeanne who finished these fabrics with pinking shears.
I added some French toiletries
by My Merry.
The Cass twin bed shown above right and another
below had a single animal decal on the
inside headboard only and various animal decals on matching pieces.
The animals here: lambs, bears, ponies, and puppies,
but bunny decals were also used frequently.
This particular set of Cass furniture
was distributed as Diane Carol furniture.
The box is marked American Toy & Furniture Company,
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