Welcome to another
Mouseketeer Page!
My Christmas gift this year
was a first trip to Disney World
and here I am standing by
the authentic mouseketeer
memorabilia window!
(OK now you are sure
I am not right in the head)
This trip inspired me to finish
the cafe on this page.
Minnie Mouse welcomes you to her Valentine Cafe!
Minnie Mouse
Cafe celebrating Valentine's Day!
Scroll across!
The Re-ment Minnie
Mouse table
came with two chairs
The Re-ment items on the table
were sold in a kit or separately
Repro Ginny Cathy wearing
Valentine hanky dress set
on the left
Wizard's assitant repro Ginny
on the right
wearing blue repro strung
Ginny outfit by Sue.
I added hat and cameo necklace.
Re-ment mini goodies!
I added the bear and Minnie mask.
Getting hungry?
Repro Ginny Daffodil wearing 1998 Disney Convention
Ginny Minnie Mouse outfit. Doll came with yellow
shoes, but I had to switch them to white
in order to fit the larger repro Ginny feet.
I added her matching Minnie doll
and plastic double hearts.
My vintage molded lash walker Ginny
in Mousekerade outfit
made for Cosmopolitan Ginger.
More Re-ment goodies shown here and below!
Vintage Ginny and repro Ginny Holly Girl in
1999 Disney Convention outfit
called "Ginny Duck".
The duck mask is from the 50's
and made by A&H
Ginny repro in Vogue 1999 Ginny Duck
outfit & added 50's mask
The yellow tights have web feet
that thankfully fit!
Apparently it is
Ginny Duck's birthday as well!
Coke Polar bear and Donald knitted finger puppet.
I added the Bubble Gum ice cream to complement the
Daisy and Donald Re-ment cones.
Wendy and her beau are last minute guests!
80's Madame Alexander Lucy Locket Wendy
wearing later Disney outfit by Madame Alexander
80's Wendy's
beau re-dressed
in later Alexander Mickey Mouse outfit
(The yellow plastic shoes on these dolls
don't fit the Alexander dolls they are making today)
I made the medallion chain
and mouseketeer charm bracelet.
The outfits were made with tails!
The Madame Alexander box is the right size,
but is not the correct Alexander box
Stop the music above to hear and see two videos
If you have never been on the Small World ride,
you can go right now!
Video below is the whole ride uncut!
See ya real soon!
Christmas version is even better!
Ginny and Wendy dolls Valentines Day 2012 Pg 3
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