Three plastic clowns greet you!
My friend Linda ("Ginny Linda" to those who know her well!)
bought a red piano like the one above and I hunted for a long time
until I found one, too.
It actually plays notes when the keys are pressed.
The girl with pigtails resembles a Campbell’s kid!
For some reason the wooden 3 peg legs to my piano are not painted.
Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, Dale Evans,
and Howdy Doody are remembered here.
Ginger’s favorite primers are Fun With Dick and Jane
and Jack and Janet!
Sylvester stands far right.
My vintage Ginger luggage set
Ginger’s original folding garment bag and tote shown above
resting on the side of Ginger’s hope chest.
I turned the chest on its side for display
as I love the classic Ginger graphics. (top has a little knick upper left)
chest is fairly deep, speckled gray
on sides, w/ four legs.
The vintage hard plastic Cosmopolitan Ginger doll above
wears a 1954 Vogue Ginny outfit # 34.
button shows she is a Romper Room good do-bee.
Godiva chocolates a gift from Barbie are displayed
on top of my Watko ottoman.
(photos of matching Watko pieces
will be shown on subsequent pages)
Top section of my Ginger wardrobe.
Close-ups of My Merry gift wrap, hat box, bunny card,
and Scotch tape box shown on top of the wardrobe.
Cosmopolitan Ginger’s red and gray speckled fiberboard
wardrobe with sliding doors
made by “Big N Liddle” of Contemporary Children’s Group.
I was happy to find this for my scene
Above is Cosmopolitan Ginger’s red and gray speckled fiberboard
wardrobe with sliding doors
made by “Big N Liddle” of Contemporary Children’s Group.
(my flash caught the door)
Note the same graphics of little Ginger dolls (above far right).
Some of Ginger’s favorites: Hot plate, Chip, Golden book, Sweet Pea,
Daffy, Woody and a Flicker TV set
where the girl balances a hula hoop,
Curious George, Mouse Trap game,
Sparky Stumps with plaid coat, yellow beanie, and bones,
Bugs, Garfield, and Felix the
The red and white radio on the blue table is Tammy’s
and it goes in the black case beside Bugs.
Chutes and Mouse Trap Ginger size!
Cosmopolitan Ginger Doll Bedroom
with monogrammed furniture Page 2
Click Daffy to see Ginger's Bedroom Page 3