(Print this page to savor it!) Author
unknown....I added memories sent to me and also those I recalled.
Click the theme song !
(The Cracker Jack song is short and runs just once so you can read!)
Read slowly and enjoy........If you are old enough...take the stroll...Close your eyes. And go back...before the Internet ... Before semiautomatics and crack...before chronic and indo...before SEGA or Super Nintendo... Way back...
I'm talking 'bout hide and go seek at dusk. Sitting on the porch, Simon Says, Kick the Can, Red Light, Green Light. Lunch Boxes with a Thermos...that broke, Chocolate milk, going home for lunch, Penny Candy from the store, Hopscotch, butterscotch, double-dutch,
jump rope, Roller skates with metal wheels- Skate-keys
- Adjustable skates-Going to the roller rink! Jacks, Mother May I?, Hula Hoops, and Sunflower seeds, Whist and Old Maid and Crazy Eights, Wax lips and mustaches, Mary Jane's, saddle shoes and Coke bottles with the names of cities on the bottom, Running through the sprinkler, Running behind The DDT truck, circle pins, bobby pins,
Spoolies, Fizzies, Mickey Mouse Club, Crusader Rabbit, Rocky & Bullwinkle,
Kukla, Fran & Ollie, Spin & Marty...all in black & white.
When around the corner seemed far away, and going downtown seemed like going somewhere. Bedtime, climbing trees, making forts...Coasters made from
orange crates and an old skate, Backyard Shows, Lemonade stands, Slip and
Slide (attached to the garden hose), glittered macaroni, Colorforms, Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, Sitting on the curb, Staring at clouds, Jumping
down the steps, Jumping on the bed. Pillow fights, "company," Ribbon
candy, angel hair on the Christmas tree. Running from the guards at
Halloween with pillow sacks of giant nickel Hershey bars. Ringing
doorbells and disappearing in a fit of laughter. The jingle of the
pink and white ice cream truck and a 7 cent popsicle. Stealing ice chips
from the back of the Hood delivery truck. Punks and sparklers on the 4th
of July. Jackie Gleason as "the poor soul," White gloves, Easter
bonnets, walking to church, walking to the Community Center, Being tickled to death, Running till you were out of
breath, Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt, Being tired from playin'...Remember that? Not stepping on a crack...or you'll break your mother's back...
Paper chains at Christmas, Glass wax window stencils! Silhouettes of Lincoln and Washington...the smell of paste, book bags and Evening in Paris...Crowding around in a circle for the 'after-school fight,' then running when the teacher came. Abba Zabba bars and
peanut logs. What about the girl that had the big bubbly handwriting...who dotted her "I's" with hearts?? The Stroll,
the twist, the monkey, popcorn balls, & sock hops. Ankle
socks before nylons! Rolled up jean shorts. Flats.... taps on a guy's Snap
jack buckle shoes. Vitalis!
Remember when... When there were two types of sneakers for girls (Keds
and PF Flyers) and the only time you wore them at school, was for
"gym." And the girls had those ugly uniforms. When it took five minutes for
the TV to warm up. When nearly everyone's Mom was at home when the kids got home from school.
The smell of Old Spice, Dad in his gray brimmed hat, white shirt,
and scrolled wingtips. When nobody owned a pure bred dog. When a quarter was a decent allowance and another quarter a huge bonus.
When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for a penny.
When girls neither dated nor kissed until late
high school, if then. When all of your male teachers wore neckties and female
teachers had their hair done everyday and wore high heels.
When you got your windshield cleaned, oil
checked, and gas pumped, without asking, for free, every time. And, you
didn't pay for air. And, you got trading stamps to boot.
When laundry detergent had free glasses, dishes, or towels hidden inside
the box. When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed him or use him to
carry groceries, and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it. When
it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at a real
restaurant with your parents. When they threatened to keep kids back a grade
if they failed...and did. When the worst thing you could do at school was
smoke in the bathrooms, flunk a test or chew gum. And the prom was in the
auditorium and we danced to an orchestra, and all the girls wore pastel
gowns and the boys wore suits for the first time and we stayed out all night.
Remember playing monopoly for days, the chore of hanging clothes on the line, making popcorn in a big pot with oil to start and shaking and shaking
it! Or Jiffy pop that turned charcoal if you got distracted!
Taking walks at night...
How about Playhouse 90? Charlie McCarthy, Jack Paar, Augie Dogie and Doggy Daddy, and Quickdraw McGraw?
Who could forget Beanie and Cecil?! ( the seasick sea serpent)
How about girls who wore giant curlers for Saturday night dates and kept
them hidden under T-shaped silk scarves? Then these same girls
re-rolled again LATER, and slept?! on bristles that poked like
porcupine needles!
Blondex shampoo was a must, (If you're a blonde, blondex is perfect for you....)
Remember manual lawnmowers? And filling the plastic pool with water the first warm
day of summer? Of course it was DAYS before the water was warm enough to swim
in but did we care? How about classic words like "fink" and
"dink", and "yeah, right!"
Corvettes, B. Altmans, miniature glass animals from Woolworth's, Pennywhistle shoes by Thom McCann
, and Heaven Scent cologne by Helena Rubinstein?? Bucky Beaver, Chunky
chocolate squares, Clearasil, and Noxema. "Take it off, take it off,
take it all off!" VERY risque!
Phone numbers starting with a word....like Locust
3-5334 or Olympic 3-6026. Saturday matinees with tons of cartoons, 5c and 10c stores with wooden floors,
Going for a ride in the car as 'something to do', 45's (only 2 songs) and a case to hold
them! When "Wonderful World of Disney" was the only color TV
program! Adjusting the rabbit ears on the TV, ooooh and those aluminum
glasses that made your teeth chill...!
'Sifting' flour (according to the Betty Crocker
Cookie Book at Christmastime), Real balogna sandwiches (Who can find that
same balogna today?) and TV jingles that danced in your head and got stuck
there! (Mr. Clean takes care of dirt and grime and grease in just a
minute...) Seesaw and kaylah at the playground, fire flies flickering at
night, and a twilight soak in Mr. Bubble.
Remember being able to walk or bicycle ride anywhere and no one worried
about you getting "snatched"? We worried about copperhead snakes on our
shortcuts through the woods, poison ivy, but never strangers.
Remember red pistachio nuts that you used as fingernails....and lightening
bug fingernails...(gross now, but fun then)! Freeze tag, TV tag,
jump rope, 7-up, spending the day cracking open coconuts that floated up in
the canals ...and eating them...(cholesterol what?) Neccos, Bazooka, chocolate egg creams...Mighty Mouse, Gumby...
How about ... grow your own sea-monkeys that you could buy from the back of
comic books and superballs in every color of the rainbow!
Daisy bb guns-Cap guns with holster-Rolling hoops with a cross stick
Homemade stilts-Wooden scooters made from discarded metal skates
Wooden box wagons made with discarded wheels
Baby buggies-Metal strollers-sling shots, homemade of course!
When a '57 Chevy was everyone's dream car...to cruise, peel out, lay
rubber or watch submarine races, and people went steady and girls wore a
class ring with an inch of wrapped dental floss coated with pastel frost
nail polish so it would fit her finger. And no one ever asked where the car keys
were, 'cause they were always in the car, in the ignition and the doors were
never locked. And you got in big trouble if you accidentally locked the
doors at home. No one ever had a key. Cars got a new look every year and we knew all the makes and models.
And lying on your back on the grass with your friends and saying things
like, "That cloud looks like a........". And playing baseball with no
adults to help kids with the rules of the game. Then...baseball was not
a psychological group learning experience, ....it was a game.
Remember when stuff from the store came without safety caps and
hermetic seals, 'cause no one had yet to poison a perfect stranger.
And...with all our progress... don't you just wish...just once...you could
slip back in time and savor the slower pace ... and share it with the
children of the 80's and 90's...?????? Can they ever feel like we did
Dick and Jane-Baby Sally- Spot- Jack and Janet-Tip and
Mitten-penny loafers - Girl Scout cookies-jukeboxes - white wall tires - Schwinn bikes -
the twist -Mary Hartline and silver ice skates-"Love of Life"-
"The Secret Storm"-diners -
prom gowns of taffeta and chiffon that flared outward from the waist down-
Queen for a Day- rhinestone pins and tiaras-Sky King and My Friend Flicka-bomb shelters - Leave it to Beaver -styrofoam surfboards-grandparents
on weekends- loose change - cheap gas - A&W rootbeer - cruisin - 45s - the bop - malts- mini skirts -
Sadie Hawkins Day- - pedal pushers - rumble seats - hop scotch - pogo sticks - stilts -Davy
Crockett - Bandstand - bell bottoms - madras shirts - rearview mirror- fuzzy dice -Elvis-pedal
cars-frappes-ice cream scoops in wax paper cones and chrome holders that
gleamed-booths and stools that rotated- vinyl seats-ponytails - ducktails - going steady -
Mr. Magoo - polio vaccine - -root beer barrels - Car 54
Where are You? - Brylcream - Lassie - brown hair nets-
Toni perms (who can forget that smell!)-Dippity-Do & Sun In-formica
counters- powdered milk-knotty pine- Ovaltine - cool cat -hip chick- flip
hairdo's and falls that made you like Bardot- How about ironing your hair?-Bobby pins without the rubber tips-Hair Dryers with the hose and hood that billowed out over the juice can rollers-Jean Shrimpton-fishnet
make-up-Archie comics-the Beatles !
The Red Hat Society still recalls, "Find a penny,
pick it up, and all the day, you'll have good luck!", "Bread and
butter come to supper!" "Star light, star bright, wish I
may, wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight!" or how about Andy
Devine's voice? "Plunk your magic TWANGER,
froggy!" Guess that was a Buster Brown shoe commercial? Who
didn't love,"Say good night, Gracie"
Do you also recall when...
The dimmer switch for your headlights was on the floor
board? Studebakers -
Blue flashbulbs in your camera?- How about Top Value and S&H Green Stamps?
Metal ice cube trays with a lever to pull up so the ice would turn loose.
Manual typewriters, carbon paper, mimeograph paper!
Or the how about the rainbow of crinolines drying in the sun after receiving a dipping in extra stiff starch?
Or a baby-bottle sterilizer and making formula from scratch? Can openers called "church keys"?
Silk stockings and garter belts! Remember drinking Moxie or Tab? Flicker
rings? Using clothes-pins and card-board on the spokes of your bike to make
it rip! Or using tin-cans and smashing them so they locked onto your shoe-soles
then running around the neighborhood making sounds like horses! Shower baths in the
backyard and holding a finger over the end of the hose! The Ted Mack Amateur Hour.
How about...
Drive-In Movies
Speakers that never worked
Sneaking in - in the trunk of the car (what..you never did that?
Skinny-dipping- Rope on a tree and swinging out over the lake
Using dandelions to measure your like or dislike for butter
Riding in the fun-house at the local amusement park
When cotton-candy came on a paper stick instead of a bag at the grocery store!
Ice Cream cones only came in Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla.
Ice cream cups with wooden spoons. Dixie Cups tasting like velvet!
The circuit doctor making house calls with BIG hypodermic
needles; everyone got the same cough medicine...Chericol and he mixed it
Drinking water from the hose-Running through the sprinkler-Pick-up Sticks-
Church singin's at all the churches: yours mine and theirs
Are you someone who can still recall 3D glasses, Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, Trixie Belden, Laurel & Hardy, Howdy Doody and the Peanut Gallery, The Lone
Ranger, Jack Armstrong the All American Boy, The Shadow knows...Nellie Belle, Roy and Dale,
Trigger and Buttermilk, National Velvet...Liz Taylor...Pie, as well as the sound of a real mower
and the smell of wet grass or autumn leaves on a Saturday morning, and summers filled with bike rides, skates with
keys at the 4 corners, playing in Cowboy land, baseball games, bowling and visits to the pool...and eating Kool-Aid powder with
sugar? If so... GOOD FOR YOU!
Isn't great to be able to look back and say, "Yeah, I remember